Platform Overview

Frequently Asked Questions

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We put cybersecurity at the forefront of everything we do. We ensure our platform is robust and secure by working with valued partners that offer the most rigorous certification standards. Data is hosted in Tier 3 data centres or higher and Morphean complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Morphean automatically changes the root password of devices recurrently, encrypts all communications via SSL, and undertakes regular penetration testing to ensure any risks are addressed on an ongoing basis.

You retain complete ownership and control over your data, with the ability to access, change and delete at any time. Your data is protected by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), among others, and Morphean is committed to ensuring absolute data privacy for all its clients. We provide access to cloud services with its many benefits and intelligent insights, without compromising data ethics or integrity.

The data and content stored in the Morphean cloud is completely secure against downtime, cyberthreats and network issues. If the network is affected in any way, your system can be configured with local NAS drives to transmit the data that has been generated during the downtime to the Morphean cloud. This ensures that your data is always secured, stored and protected to the highest possible standards.

Existing analogue devices work well with the Morphean system. Video encoders can be used to build a hybrid solution that digitises the existing analogue streams and sends that data securely over the internet to the hosting platform. A hybrid solution allows you to leverage your existing infrastructure with minimal additional hardware investment while taking advantage of the numerous benefits that cloud platforms will offer your business.

Our solutions are designed to adapt to your business requirements. With our Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offering, you only pay for the services you use, so you can scale and adapt your platform according to your needs, allowing you to manage costs more effectively. We’ll help you leverage your existing infrastructure for as long as you need while remaining at the forefront of technology innovation.

The flexibility of our solution enables businesses to scale the requirement to suit their needs, whatever the size of the business. Physical security investments will range from a single camera, for example, a small business or a remote location that is part of a larger operation, all the way up to multiple sites with hundreds of devices. We work with you to build the solution that suits your business, budget and unique requirements.

The installation of Morphean IP cameras and/or access control devices is quick and pain free. A trusted systems integrator or IT partner will install a router which allows connection to the Morphean cloud. There are no servers and little onsite configuration is required. The process is easy to undertake with minimal disruption and the installation team will work closely with you throughout to manage your expectations.

While we recognise that legacy analogue systems offer the business a solid foundation, a hosted, cloud-based security solution from Morphean is more flexible, scalable and cost-effective. It allows you to adapt your systems on demand, offers superb physical and virtual security, provides access to powerful analytics and intelligence solutions, and is constantly evolving. We provide a market leading platform at a price point that suits your budget and with features that enhance your business.